This Morning I got very emotional when I talk to a Facebook Friend about his brave Son Stefan 13 Years old (Thai-German-Boy)I invited him and his Family to come to see the Center and the good work we are doing here.Also in connection with my own Story, I love that Stefan has this opportunity to see and learn about other Children situation living with a Virus HIV/AIDS.Stefan has a malicious tumor (Morbus Hopkin)
Despite this fact and the ongoing treatment of Cancer, Stefan wants to be a normal youth and sees the future positively.He is an inspiration to many Children in the World.His Father said; that he will find a Way to bring Stefan to visit the Center, and Stefan would like to come to see us.The Story of Stefan and his Family you find…/an-krebs-erkrankter-thai-deutscher-jun…/
It is in German but I think the Internet Providing translation.
Report will follow
I have informed Father and he welcomes the Family.Father Chaisak Thaisonthi the Director of Camillian Social Center Rayong is in this Moment in Meetings and will be back soon.I will inform him about the Quint Family.